Thursday, November 6, 2008

HSM doll pj's

This is a set of Pj's that my 14yo niece asked for as a Christmas present for her doll. I did this set 1st for my dd's birthday next Monday. We are doing HSM3 at the movie theater with her friends. I am going to give it to her there to go with the theme. I am going to make a few more of these. I need 1 for my other dd and 1 for my niece now. I think they came out really cute!


Denice said...

Well, who doesn't love AG dolls and HSM3? OMG, there are going to be a lot of happy girls this year at Christmas! Great PJ's! Have you thought about matching AG jammies for your dd's and their dolls?

Pam said...

Great work!! Love the whole theme idea! Your dd is certainly going to love it!

Tracy said...

TOTALLY cute!!! Her doll will be the envy of all dolls everywhere!

Michele said...

Those turned out sooooo cute! I love them! And anyone that loves HSM will definitely be lovin' those!

Ramblin Rose said...

Your doll pjs are so cute as is the flounced skirt. Your daughter's friends are all going to want doll outfits also!

Ramblin Rose